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TRIXXO Service vouchers


Service Vouchers in Brussels: What changes in 2025?
08 januari, 2025
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The new year brings a few updates on service vouchers. Here's an overview of rates and tax benefits:


  • €10,20 per cheque for the first 300 cheques.
  • €12,40 per cheque for the 300st to 500th cheques.

Families can order double the number of cheques per category, as each partner can make a request. This represents a maximum of 1,000 cheques per family.

Tax deduction

  • 15% sur les 172 premiers titres-services par personne et par année fiscale.

Certaines catégories de personnes peuvent bénéficier d’avantages supplémentaires :

  • Independent mothers who have recently given birth
  • Single-parent families
  • Disabled people
  • Seniors


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